Saturday 2 March 2013

Final Major Project

I have been working on my Final Major Project since January, I have decided to 'Re Brand' Evans, the plus size high street brand. This is because i feel they are loosing their place on the high street due to vast amounts of competition online, who are delivering better quality products and styles to the customers that Evans are isolating.

Their product lines are no longer relating back to their target consumer statement, where they say they aim to bring trend led quality products straight from the catwalks, to a fashion inspired customer. Throughout consumer research conducted this is something that customers are unable to relate to, and didn't realise existed, as the current Evans customer is of an older age range.

This is something that i aiming to alter. Defining the target customer and what their needs and requirements are will inevitably help to change consumer perception and bring custom back to store, therefore ensuring the brand continues to make a profit.

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